The Keedy Lab

Spring 2023 news roundup

Apparently I only realistically get around to these updates semesterly… That means there is a lot of good stuff to cover! Hope I don’t forget anything important…

Virgil Woods won a Protein Science Young Investigator Travel Award for The Protein Society Annual Symposium 2023.

Shivani and Liliana both passed their second level (aka qualifying) exams! Congrats, PhD candidates Shivani & Liliana!

Shivani celebrating after passing her second level exam!

Liliana celebrating after passing her second level exam!

Liliana & Ali also published this paper as a preprint (now in peer review). And she was accepted into the CCNY G-RISE Program, for which she was featured in this video.

Check out our publications page for more articles of various shapes/sizes/stages.

Akshay won the Outstanding Biology Presentation Award from the CCNY Biology Research Symposium, and was selected to present at the 1st Annual CUNY Undergraduate Research Day.

Nathanael won the Fred Gornick Family Fund Award and the George A. & James E. Petersson Fellowship Fund Award from the CCNY Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry, and was accepted into the CCNY ORCA summer research program.

Kevin Shionarain recently joined the lab as an honors undergraduate researcher (welcome!). He won the Dr. Leon Greenstein Fund Award from the CCNY Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry.

Kevin receiving his undergraduate resarch award from the CCNY Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry

Simeng (aka Selina) Sun also joined the lab for a data science crossover research project – we’re glad to have you, Selina!

Penultimately, Tamar’s paper was accepted to eLife. And finally (and most importantly), she defended her thesis and received her PhD degree! Huge congrats, Dr. Mehlman!

Tamar defending her thesis at the ASRC

Tamar being hooded by her grandfather (!) at GC Commencement

Tamar and Daniel after GC Commencement

Here’s to a fun & science-packed rest of 2023!…